Sunday 23 May 2010

well if it feels like summer.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I.LOVE.ZE.SALES!
i found this absolutely GORGEOUS dress in new look for £18 (approx)
it would look great with a pair of white flats (primark), white wayfarers (primark) and a little white satchel, similar to the 'alexa' mulberry, but about £480 cheaper! :P

out with the old, in with the new.

i've decided to start a new blog, seeing as my other was absolute rhubarb and i was just talking to myself, even though it's most likely i'll be doing just that with this one... so, seeing as tons of people think they have to spend loads to look nice, i'm gonna try and put together some tips and alternatives, so you can look great and spend as little as possible, whilst also putting up some looks that i've done, which you may like. (:i put this look together a while ago, but i really like it, simply because i got everything either really cheap, or in the sales, although on lookbook, i put the full prices (i'll post my lookbook later on...)
who top - bay trading sale (£10)
cardi - topshop sale (£7.50 approx.)
skirt - vintage (£16, which is pretty cheap for vintage to be fair)
i was also wearing;;
plain black tights - peacocks sale (£1)
black pumps - primark (£4)
total = £38.50. which isn't bad, at all.

anyway, have a nice evening evening everyone!